Attendee Tracking Software

Event tracking to manage and measure event success.

Track event attendance at events and conferences to improve the attendee experience. Learn how attendees move through sessions using advanced tracking technology. Quickly scan badges onsight for session check-in and gain insights by monitoring attendee activity. Discover what sessions are most popular, how content resonates with different attendee types, and accurately award CEUs.

Expo Logic Lead Retrieval Solutions to maximize ROI


Get one-of-a-kind metrics per attendee.

Easily manage access to sessions down to the individual attendee. Measure and award CEUs based on sessions attended and how long an attendee stays in a session.

Verify attendee details

Securely verify attendee details

Control and grant attendee access or override on the spot. Individually manage attendee access based on their sessions purchased, event role, ticket type, or other factors.

Fast check in process events

Speed things up for attendees

Give attendees the gift of convenience at your next event. Cut time in half by allowing attendees to simply scan their badges onsite for session check-in and check-out.

Atendee session scanning

Let the scanning do your heavy lifting

Stop manually tallying attendance. Track session capacity and attendance by managing session entrance and exits with monitored or self-service badge scans.


Turn any device into a scanning tool

Streamline session and activity scanning with our interactive mobile app, TrackPod. Leverage one of our dedicated devices, or use your own by downloading the mobile app.


Gain deeper insight into your events.

Attendee tracking technology allows you to scan event badges to see how long attendees stay in sessions and how they move throughout your event.

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Track attendance

Truly understand your attendees’ behavior.

Monitor where attendees go during your meeting and how long they stay in sessions. Uncover popular topics and content by attendee type or demographics and use this information to plan a better event next year.

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Award Credits

Accurately award your attendees.

Avoid errors with sign-in sheets and self-reporting by using session scanning apps. Scan attendees in and out of sessions to verify they stayed for the required time and then easily award credit after your event.

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Manage session attendance

Manage session attendance.

Keep unregistered attendees from accessing your meeting or restricted sessions that require an additional fee with Expo Logic’s badge scanning app, TrackPod.

Lead retrieval solutions that allow you to create custom surveys to enable sponsor customization

Analytics and Reporting

Uncover powerful event data.

With our attendee tracking dashboard, import attendee metrics to follow when an attendee checked into a session or area, when they were checked-out, and how long they attended.

Lead retrieval solutions that allow you to create custom surveys to enable sponsor customization

Features Overview

Get more out of your event with attendee tracking.

  • Attendance verification
  • Award CE credit
  • Plan future sessions based on analytics
  • Access custom attendee metrics
  • Hand-held scanning apps
  • Track heavily attended topics
  • Eliminate sign-in sheets
  • Track attendee behavior
  • Monitor event movement

Understand what motivates your attendees.

Take the guesswork out of planning with attendance tracking software that pinpoints exactly what your attendees want.

Event Resources

Content hand-picked for you


Why Expo Logic?

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Save time creating meaningful experiences for your attendees with Expo Logic, the leading partner for onsite event logistics.

Resources of What Expo Logic Offers