How QR Codes Can Enable Better Lead Retrieval

A critical process for exhibitors at trade shows and events, the benefits of lead retrieval enable them to capture and store information about potential customers who show interest in their products or services. QR codes have revolutionized the lead retrieval process by providing a streamlined, convenient, and efficient way to collect lead information. The process saves time and minimizes the likelihood of errors, making QR codes an increasingly popular tool for lead retrieval. 


Looking for a tool to keep your exhibitors returning year after year?

Offer your exhibitors same-day lead retrieval to increase their ROI on your event.


Advantages of QR code-based lead retrieval 

The purpose of offering QR-code based lead retrieval is to leverage the following benefits:  


Traditional methods of gathering information, such as filling out forms or exchanging business cards, can be time-consuming. In contrast, QR codes allow exhibitors to instantly capture lead information by scanning a visitor’s code. 


Manual data entry is prone to human error, negatively influencing the quality of the lead data. QR codes eliminate this risk since the visitor enters their own data, ensuring higher accuracy. 

Reduced paperwork 

QR codes also contribute to an eco-friendlier and more efficient event environment by reducing paperwork. There’s no need to carry around piles of business cards, which minimizes waste for a greener event. 

Ultimately, implementing QR code lead retrieval systems benefits exhibitors and increases sponsorship ROI. Exhibitors can interact with more potential clients in less time, enhancing the quantity and quality of leads acquired. Moreover, the higher accuracy of the data collected ensures more effective follow-ups, directly increasing conversion rates. 


How QR code lead retrieval works 

The process of using QR code lead retrieval follows these steps: 

  1. QR code generation: Generate a unique QR code for each event attendee during the registration process that contains the attendee’s details. 
  2. Scanning at the event: When an attendee visits an exhibitor’s booth, the exhibitor uses a QR code scanner to scan the attendee’s QR code and capture the attendee’s data. 
  3. Data retrieval: After scanning, the contained data is immediately retrieved and displayed on the scanner’s screen. 
  4. Data integration: The exhibitor can directly integrate the scanned data by leveraging the features of lead retrieval software. 
  5. Follow-up: With the attendee’s information in the CRM, exhibitors can track and manage leads, plan targeted follow-ups, and convert potential prospects into clients. 


Improved attendee engagement 

QR codes significantly enhance exhibitor-attendee engagement. One effective strategy involves embedding interactive surveys within QR codes, allowing attendees to provide invaluable feedback about their event experience or product preferences. Exhibitors can use this real-time data to tailor their services or offerings, aligning with the attendees’ needs and interests.  

Another innovative application is using QR codes for sharing digital business cards. This approach not only conserves paper but also ensures that the exhibitor’s contact details won’t be misplaced or lost. Lastly, QR codes are ideal for product information retrieval. Instead of overwhelming attendees with brochures and handouts, exhibitors can create QR codes linked to detailed product information or demonstration videos. 


Real-time analytics and reporting 

With QR code lead retrieval capabilities, exhibitors can immediately access real-time lead data and analytics. Immediate access to data allows exhibitors to adapt their approach during the event, responding promptly to attendee feedback or preferences.  

Moreover, the ability to retrieve real-time leads contributes significantly to the post-event follow-up process. Instead of sifting through stacks of business cards and hastily written notes, exhibitors can leverage the collected data to compile comprehensive lead profiles. This advantage can guide the development of personalized follow-up communications. 


Lead follow-up and nurturing 

Effective post-event follow-ups are crucial for converting leads into customers. Here are a few tips on how to maximize the QR code lead retrieval technology: 

  • Personalized follow-ups: Utilize the QR code data to create customized follow-up messages. 
  • Timely response: Strike while the iron is hot — reach out to leads immediately after the event when their interest is still high. 
  • Continued engagement: Use the QR code data to identify areas of interest for each lead. 
  • Data analysis: Regularly analyze the data gathered through QR codes. 


Expo Logic’s services can further simplify this process. Our platform not only facilitates QR code lead retrieval but also helps organize and analyze the data. With our help, exhibitors can focus more on crafting effective follow-up strategies rather than getting lost in data stacks. 


Efficient onsite technical support 

At Expo Logic, we recognize the importance of a smooth event experience, not just for attendees but for exhibitors as well. We offer professional onsite technical support and assistance during events. Our team of experts is readily available to resolve any technical glitches you may encounter with your QR code lead retrieval system. 

Our goal is to enable you to focus on what matters most — engaging with potential customers and building meaningful business relationships. With Expo Logic’s onsite technical support, exhibitors can ensure a seamless, hassle-free event experience, maximizing their opportunities for lead generation and conversion. 


Case studies and success stories 

Let’s dive into a success story from those who have utilized our QR code lead retrieval services. 

National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 

The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP), with an impressive membership of over 8,500, represents all pediatric-focused advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). Since 2013, Expo Logic has provided high-quality services for its tracking and lead retrieval needs, simplifying pre-registration, check-in, and event management. 


Practical implementation tips 

To fully benefit from QR code-based lead retrieval, exhibitors must adopt an integrated approach in their booth setup. 

  • Strategic QR code placement: Position your QR codes where visitors can easily spot and scan them. 
  • Highlight the value proposition: Make sure visitors understand what they can gain from scanning your QR code. 
  • Test your QR codes: Ensure your QR codes work effectively on multiple devices before the event. 
  • Link QR codes to engaging content: Instead of linking QR codes to static content, consider directing them to interactive materials like videos, quizzes, or a chatbot. 

Train your team: Ensure your staff knows how to use the lead retrieval system and how to encourage visitors to scan the QR codes.

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